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Sparrow 200R Rescue Rod


Reference number:

  • 2K118

Rescue kit for work at height, developed for working loads up to 200 kg.

It is made up of:

  • a fabric anchorage (LOOP 35 KN L-0010-SW-1,2 model);
  • a oval connector with triplex locking (PILLAR TG model);
  • a self-braking descender (SPARROW 200R model);
  • a rope with end loops with a sewn-in terminal connector (PATRON PLUS 11 WITH END LOOPS + BIG models);
  • a telescopic pole.

Main features:

  • suitable for direct (work on rope) and indirect rescue mode (work on a roof, on ladders, on a pylon, assembly and dismantling of scaffolding);
  • equipped with a pole with an adjustable length from 1 to 2.8 m which makes it easy to reach the operator that needs to be rescued. The pole is equipped with a support for the BIG connector sewn to the top end of the rope that is provided. To reach the operator that needs to be rescued, the BIG connector must be inserted into the mounting and the mechanism keeps the lever open, releasing it when it is in position with the attachment point EN 361 of the operator;
  • it can be used in combination with the UP YOU GO, LIFTY and LIFTY X6 hoists;
  • it comes in a durable PVC bag.


Ref. No. Length
2K118020 20 m
2K118030 30 m
2K118040 40 m
2K118050 50 m
2K118100 100 m